Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Quickest Way to Get Your MD

Over one fourth of the doctors currently practicing in the United States were educated in schools outside of the United States and many of these foreign medical school graduates are from Accredited Caribbean Medical Schools. In addition to be a feasible option for students who couldn't attend medical school in the united states, but would be fantastic doctors, they also often offer the added benefit of being one of the quickest ways to earn your MD.

Caribbean Medical Schools usually work around trimesters, rather than semesters and offer shorter break periods. By working their students year round, they have cut the time it takes to earn an MD down to 36 months, or 3 years. During this time, you spend eighteen months to two years actually studying on the island before you begin clinical rotations in the United States. These clinical years are spent studying alongside students from US Medical Schools. They work in the same hospitals and offer the same programs. However, with the trimester approach, you can become a licensed doctor a full year sooner. In addition, these schools offer several different admission periods, so people who decide to become a doctor after first beginning another career, can begin whenever they want. These students, as well as the more traditional ones, can start sooner and, therefore, earn their degree sooner. A number of these Caribbean Medical Schools offer pre-med programs on the island, which can further decrease the time it takes to earn your degree. These programs are often two years, rather than the traditional four-year college education. Even when studying at a traditional US college, you can often take extra classes during the breaks, as well as during the traditional semesters to cut down on the actual time it takes to complete your degree and earn your medical license.  The three year program that works in the Caribbean, is works by eliminating breaks to offer students nearly the same amount of weeks spent learning, but in a condensed period of time. Since most medical students graduate with a considerable amount of debt, this is a huge benefit to them. It decreases the overall expenses of their education and allows them to begin earning a salary much sooner.

The options offered by these Caribbean Medical Schools make it a possibility for someone to finish their residency as early as twenty five or twenty six, assuming they were able to condense their college education as well. This accelerated pathway has numerous benefits, from a lower debt upon graduation to an increased earning potential. However, the greatest benefit it the ability to begin your dream career sooner, as a capable physician. 


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